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Features of the Diary Mentor Program

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Originally developed using a diary

It's a mentor program


Coaching with a focus on diary

We have developed our own mentor program that integrates feedback, counseling and advice.

Introspection in a diary and an interview with a mentor

Support that removes the shackles of the heart and leads to a prosperous life / career

We will provide a program that can be done.

By using the diary, you will be able to face yourself naturally, and eventually it will become a guidepost.

Looking back on what happened that day,

It will be an opportunity to reflect on yourself.
Diary writing attitude and diary

The feeling that you can reach by continuing to write persistently

It will be a guide and a source of heart for your future life.

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Menty can independently improve and solve problems

Establish an "inner mentor"

Menti is naturally positive and objective through diary and interviews

Do self-mentoring to capture yourself.

By the time you complete mentoring, you will acquire the skills of self-mentoring, and from now on you will be able to tackle difficult tasks yourself and improve your training skills for others.

Diary-style mentor Midori Hara

Developer of "Diary Mentor Program".

I thought that the diary was the best way to deeply introspect (self-understand) by the person and deeply understand the problems that the mentee had, and programmed it. His lifework is to support the revitalization of surrounding organizations by energizing the mentees of the middle class who are stuck.


Service contents


I used a diary

Originally developed

Mentor program


Coaching, feedback,

Integrated counseling and advice

Diary mentor program

Originally developed.

Introspection in the diary,

In an interview with a mentor, I took off my heart and

We provide programs that can help you lead to a richer life / career.


Interpersonal assistance and human resource development

I want to level up

Train mentors

Workplace relationships, problem solving,

I feel a "deadlock" in my career

Support for each person

Utilizing the "Diary Mentor Program"

For retention, securing and training of human resources

We train mentors who can be connected .


Mentor training



He is the developer of the "Diary Mentor Program" and is a member of various companies.

Developed a human resources development curriculum ,

Experienced trainers as mentors

"Diary Mentor Program"

I will teach you to use it.

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When I wrote out the diary, I became calm and gradually understood the causal relationship between the events and my feelings. By looking back on myself objectively, I was able to rethink my values. I want to continue so that I can do self-mentoring.

Mr. A (50s / male), General Manager of Human Resources and General Affairs Department, Manufacturing Industry

I was able to sort out what was done and what wasn't, and I knew what to do. Don't get too caught up in success / failure. The mentor has a high degree of expertise as a business person, and has created a friendly and safe place.

Distribution Business Sales Headquarters Manager B (40s / male)

I became clear about myself and stopped comparing with others / others. Communication has become smoother and everyday has become easier. The mentor has a wealth of life experience, and he has been polite in gathering information and negotiating, and has pushed me back to the new stage.

Mr. C, Chief of Manufacturing Management Headquarters (30s / female)

Hara radio

Thinking about life / career thoughts with a business person at a turning point in life

Enjoy, like being in the open field

Radio program. It's full of handmade feeling.

Hara's blog

Diary mentor

My thoughts on mentors

Introducing. Through the blog

I would be happy if you could see my growth.

Hara's blog

Diary mentor

My thoughts on mentors

Introducing. Through the blog

I would be happy if you could see my growth.

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